Tuesday, July 23, 2013

FMR Messerschmitt Kabine Roller

Fritz Fend was an aeronautical engineer at Messerschmitt during the Second World War. After Germany's defeat and the 'liquidation' of Germany's military industries, Fend developed a small, powered invalid carriage called the Fend Flitzer to provide transport to the millions of injured ex-servicemen.

Demand obviously outstripped the capacity of Fend's backyard operation so he enlisted the services of his former employer - Messerschmitt. Willy Messerschmitt was determined to preserve his company for the future and happily leased out factory space to any worthwhile venture. Messerschmitt and Fend signed a joint-venture to manufacture and sell an improved version of the Flitzer to sell to a transport hungry public.

Messerschmitt sold the KR175 and KR200 until 1956, when Messerschmitt was allowed to recommence aircraft production. Willy Messerschmitt sold the scooter business to Fend, which continued production under the name FMR until 1964.

Messerschmitt also produced a variety of other machinery, such as sewing machines:
and Mokuli Triporters: https://heinkelscooter.blogspot.com/2023/05/fmr-messerschmitt-mokuli-delivery.html