It would be fair to say that the government is increasingly not our friend. In coming years we can expect to see more and more "environmental regulation" enacted with the intention of restricting the use of petrol powered motor vehicles on our roads. In this 'debate' science matters not a whit - only money talks, and those that are pushing for restrictions have deep pockets.
Our hobby is not without its influence. The money we spend on our vehicles, in restoration, fuel, oil, polish, repairs, maintenance, collectibles, taxes, registration, etc, is worth tens of millions of dollars, all spent in our local communities. But how do we quantify this? By surveying our community and collating it into a report that can waved in the faces of politicians and the media to point out two things -
1. There are a lot of us out there and we vote and;
2. We are a real economic force and therefore matter.
The survey linked below is quick and simple to complete. There are 25 easy to answer questions. I recommend everyone completes the survey so we can contribute our voice. If you know enthusiasts who might be interested, please forward it on to them. We have until the end of September.
Dear Motoring Club Member
The Australian Motor Heritage Foundation (AMHF) is conducting a survey of heritage vehicle owners to ascertain the contribution that the heritage vehicle sector, both classic and historic, makes to the Australian economy. This survey is fully supported by the Council of Motoring Clubs of WA.
The survey, being distributed through clubs like yours, is being conducted on the Survey Monkey platform by the economics advisory firm, The Mercurius Group.
It is anticipated that the survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and is totally anonymous as we do not capture any private details of respondents.
The survey can be completed by following the link below, which takes you to a preamble of the survey which provides further details and instructions.
We would be grateful if you distribute the survey to all of your members via email as soon as possible.
We aim to get at least 10-20% of members from each club responding. The survey will remain “live” until 30 September and we may ask you to follow up your members during the course of the next months, depending on response rates.
We will of course share the findings of the study with all participating clubs.
Yours sincerely
The Australian Motor Heritage Foundation